《文語》 彼女の晩年にの英語
- in the evening of her life
人生の晩年に: in the closing stages of one's life
晩年に: 晩年に adv. in the decline of one's life ; in the evening of one's life ; in the autumn (×time) of one's life. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 晩年)
晩年に 1: 1. in later life 2. in one's closing years 3. in one's final years 4. in one's last years 5. in one's later years 6. in the afternoon of life 7. in the decline of one's life 8. in the downhill of on
晩年には: in one's old age
現役時代の晩年: late in one's career
自分の人生の晩年: sunset of one's life
晩年において: in latter days of one's life〔人の〕
静かな晩年に: in the quiet evening of life
晩年に結婚した夫: late husband
文語: 文語 ぶんご written language literary language
彼女の: 【代名】 her
晩年: 晩年 ばんねん (one's) last years
晩年について思い煩う: worry about old age
初めて彼女の歌を聴いてから、もう5年になる。: It's now five years ago since I first heard her songs.
彼女の改革者としての経歴は1840年に始った: She had begun her reformist career in 1840.